neděle 26. března 2017

Ever After High Briar Rose (EN)

In the basic set of first Ever After High we got Briar Beauty - daughter of Sleeping Beauty.

The orginal boxes were made to look like a book.

And here she is

As a daghter of Sleeping Beauty, she has roses and thorns all over. And she has 2 main colors - black and magenta.

Mangeta and roses and thorns on her shoes:

She wears silver-gray stockings with black thorns. Fantastic!

Even her dress is full of roses.

The top is made from stretchy material and is pink with black prints.

On the first look I though those are thorns, but then I saw rose's epidermis under a microscope. Here is a pic from internet.

Her skirt is made from 4 "rose petals" - pink with black tulle lacing. The two upper ones are gradient pink to magenta with black imprints.

The lower ones are just plain magenta.

Instead of a necklace, Briar has some sort of  shoulder-padding. It consist of a pink gem, three lines of black pearls and roses on her shoulders. It is made from pink plastick and the balck parts are painted. It has a fastening at the back.

Without it, she looks like this.

And the thing looks like this.

In black and pink scheme, she has a bracelet.

Her flower ring is just pink.

Her earrings are silver. I mean - nothing she has is just silver and she has a plain silver earrings? Why not at least silver with black?

Moreover, her arrings has quite longer pegs than others (with Apple's earrings for comparison). And you can see some residue of a hair-glue from their head. Yuck!

She has translucent pink glasses with gems and flowers.

She has them attached to hed by a rubber band.

Her hair is vbrown with magenta streaks at the back and on side of her face (which she has tied into a twisted rose - but if you také that down, the streakis shorter than other hair).

Othat than that, she has them loose.

Briar's skintone is a bit darker than other girls. Her eyes are brown, she has silver and pink eyeshadows and pink lips with silver dots.

Briar has a black and silver purse, which can't be opened.

She also has a bookmark-diary (the middle one - pink with rose)

Opened, it looks like this. And she has a pink key-haircomb and a stand.

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